Divine Master - Fuel to the Fire | Arnold Classic Prep
2 March 2022
|Updated 29 November 2024
"You have no idea the fuel that I get from everyone (who doubts me). I think about that and work harder."
The more successful you get, the more criticism you will get. If you want to avoid criticism, DO NOTHING and BE NOTHING.
Divine understands at this level he has to fight, claw and scratch his way to the top while navigating the international "feedback" that competing at this level generates.
"You have no idea the fuel that I get from everyone (who doubts me). I think about that and work harder."
Constant progress has to be made in between competitions, juggling diet and prioritizing areas where he feels need more size. We follow Divine and the crew to Fort Worth where he trains shoulders with Kevin Ofurum. Here, Kevin and Divine explain the allure of the Arnold Classic and how much weight it carries due to the caliber of the line up and being able to potentially leap from in front of Olympia competitors that are competing here.
"In the Olympia, it is very easy to get over looked. Here it is tough to get over looked with only 9 competitors."
We link back up with Divine a week later to check Divine's condition during a back + shoulder workout back at destination.
We will be covering Divine, Darwin and Brett Wilkin at the Arnold and will see you all there if you can make it!