CommunityIWT OrlandoIrene Andersen - World Class Passion

Irene Andersen - World Class Passion

7 April 2021


Updated 29 November 2024

Irene Andersen is competing in her 38th competition in the 2020 Ms. Olympia.

Irene Andersen

Irene Andersen is competing in her 38th competition in the 2020 Ms. Olympia.

I know everyone works hard but I know how tough it is for my body to get in top shape so for me I have to work extra hard. But when you know you want to be at your best on the Olympia stage you just do it.

This year presented a lot of obstacles and tough times for most people however the fact that the Olympia happened for all of these competitors was definitely a high note of 2020.

One word. Amazing. We were all so happy that it was able to happen.