CommunityTraining"You Ain't Working Out Like This" | Metroflex 2.0 with Martin Fitzwater & Keone Pearson

"You Ain't Working Out Like This" | Metroflex 2.0 with Martin Fitzwater & Keone Pearson

4 February 2022


Updated 29 November 2024

Martin Fitzwater& Keone Pearson return to Metroflex Gym Arlington to train legs with Brian Dobson.

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Martin Fitzwater& Keone Pearson return to Metroflex Gym Arlington to train legs with Brian Dobson.

"Training in the same gym as them (i.e. Branch Warren & Ronnie Coleman), kinda means everything to me. Training where my heroes trained, it's nostalgia, but not only that though, we are training with Brian. Brian is the most notorious trainer. He trained Ronnie (Coleman) forever, he trained Branch and he's the person that killed those guys for years and years everyday and turned them into champions...We're working on becoming champions and doing so we're having Brian whip our ass a couple days a week." -Martin

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